Associate status establishes 

  • eligibility for TROTBritain awards
  • eligibility for nomination as a British representative for international driving competitions
  • eligibility for exchange visits organised by TROTBritain
  • eligibility for participation in Le Trot Sales and Sale visits organised by TROTBritain
  • eligibility to participate in polls conducted by TROTBritain on policy issues
  • eligibility to have a written comment/proposal formally considered by the TROTBritain Board
  • assignment to a status on the TROTBritain website which permits comments and contributions
In submitting an application for registration as a TROTBritain Associate, you agree to accept the principles, rules and policies of TROTBritain as the Governing Body of Trotting Horseracing in Great Britain, working with the BHRC as the Governing Body of Pacing, on matters of common interest, through the Harness Racing Board of Great Britain (HRBGB).
An application may be rejected, or registration revoked, if you are in breach of its Rules and regulations or your public actions are deemed harmful to TROTBritain’s pursuit of its objectives and responsibilities.